Senioritis: The Senior Slump and How to Avoid It
Jacqueline RapisardiAs much as seniors love to avoid the big “g” word (graduation), it is an ever looming deadline. Something that happens to most, if not all, seniors is senioritis. It is so tempting to take a load off, want to ditch class and homework, and essentially clock out. Instead of tapping out, consider all the things you can be doing to prepare yourself for life after graduation.
If you are in Greek life, avoid the senior slump by varying your interests. While you’re stepping back from the responsibilities of your Greek organization, take the time to work on you. Build up your resume with all your accomplishments from college, check out career websites, create a LinkedIn profile, and ensure that you have professional connections as references.
Speaking of professional references… Checking in with recent, or not so recent, alumnae from your Greek organization is a great way to find other people in your field of interest. Connect with them through Facebook, LinkedIn, and even Instagram. By making these professional connections, you’ll have secured references if you are applying for jobs, internships, or graduate studies. Speaking with these alumnae may also ease the transition from current member of your chapter to an alumni.
Release the need for responsibility overload. Now is the time to take a step back from your chapter, and let other members be responsible for work that needs to be done on E-board or around the chapter house. This is the time to focus on you, and your needs as you move closer to graduation. Try not to feel left behind as your responsibilities shift to a more professional outlook – the incoming classes will hold up your legacy.
Most importantly, enjoy! The most important thing about senior year besides prepping yourself for real life is to take a moment and be proud of all you’ve accomplished throughout your years of college. You’ve made it this far, so now you can take on the world ahead.
Seniors across the country struggle with their senior year – and most of all, senioritis. These are some ways to beat the so-called senior slump while enjoying your senior year. Celebrate your years of service to the Greek community with a new pair of letters.