Greek Paddle Tips and Tricks
Jack LugoOne of the bigger trends within Greek life circles around the world are the exchange process of paddles. Whether they are made for big/little paddle exchange or pledge class paddles, they hold a very long and lasting tradition within some Greek life organizations. The goal is to create the best looking paddle that best suits your particular event within your organization. Here are some tips and tricks to help you create the best paddle possible!
Big/Little Paddles
One of the oldest, yet more remarkable yearly traditions within greek life organizations is the big/little paddle exchange. How this tradition works typically is when the little designs a paddle for their big, and a whole ritual and ceremony is conducted where the little presents they're big the personalized paddle. While this is certainly a very exciting and memorable event, it can definitely be nerve-wrecking as well, considering their can be a lot of questions that need to be answered. First of which, which paddle would be best fit for my big? Here at Something Greek, we have nice amount of options, such as straight sided paddles, pointed paddles, small paddles, large paddles, etc. Going with either the straight or pointed paddles are good options, we recommend you look into the medium sized paddles, whether it be the 500's or 510's. Both serve as great options and come in respectable sizes. If you are looking at going a little smaller, check out the bamboo paddles, or the 100 paddles. These paddles will save you a few extra dollars, and are a bit smaller than the 500 paddles, but still come in a very respectable size. Something else to keep in mind when thinking about how you want to design your paddle, is whether you are looking to paint it or not. If you are looking to display your true creative side, then it is best to go with unfinished wood products such as the 100-U, 500-U, 510-U, and even unfinished letters. If you are not the most artistic person in the world, but still looking to make a splash for your big, look no further then the finished wood products, such as the 100-O, 500-0, 510-O, and finished letters. If you are looking for the paddle to look professionally finished, then your best bet might be to look into our engraved paddle options. Before you design the paddle, make sure you know you're big, and make sure you design something that they will remember forever.