10 Reasons Your Big/Little is Your Perfect Valentine
Last year I lived with a big/little pair that got each other Valentine's Day gifts. Now, my little and I have both had boyfriends since we met, but I can think of tons of reasons why she (or my big) would make the perfect valentine! 1. She knows what you're thinking before you say it. This happened to my little and me last night actually... 2. You start conversations with "you'll appreciate this" and she immediately recognizes the context. 3. You had a rush crush on her immediately. And when you met your big, you didn't even know what a "rush crush" was yet. 4. She thinks you're perfect no matter what. Let's be real, no boy will ever think you're perfect. 5. You can drink wine (if you're both over 21, of course), paint your nails, and watch some cheesy rom com like He's Just Not That Into You on v-day. 6. When a sorority song comes on at a restaurant, during a commercial, or whatever, she'll start singing with you instead of looking at you like a crazy person as a guy would. 7. She won't judge you if you just want to order take out, and you won't have to sit thisclose to another couple at a crowded restaurant. 8. You'll always be each other's Woman Crush Wednesday, and the picture on Instagram will always be of your good side. 9. I mean, who else is going to make you a megaphone-shaped pillow (or lips in my big's case)? Not a guy. 10. She's pretty much your soulmate. Be sure to get your Greek valentine a little something before Friday. Might we suggest the Sorority Heart Charm with Stones from Something Greek? -Michelle Giuseffi